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Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Whole Lot of Everything Going On

To say life has been busy at the Newland-Rice home would be an understatement. There has been a lot going on the last few weeks. I finished fieldwork Jan 25 and came back home to begin my job search. On top of that on February 1, I decided enough was enough; on my butt that is. I began a new regimen of eating healthier, eating in moderation, and kicking some exercise into overdrive. My first 28 days I lost 10 lbs and now on my 6th week I stand at 15.8 lbs down. My goal is to be down as close to 40 lbs as I can get so that I can begin working on my next goal, that plan to be shared at a later date;) I am proud of what I can do once I put my mind to it and realize the strength and determination that I carry within me.
After searching for a month, I got a job! I have not begun to work yet because there is a multi-step process we have to go through to receive our license to work, but I should be working within the next 2 weeks. It is a wonderful feeling knowing that I am about to start my career and be a productive financial contributor to our family. The stress that weighed heavy on our shoulders, especially for our bread winner Chris, has already lifted. We know that in only a month that we will already see a difference in our finances. We know that every bill will be paid on time, the boys' needs will be met without robbing Peter to pay Paul, and we know that we can treat the boys to special family times. There is a light at the end of this tunnel and it is as bright as the sun!!! We won't be rich or be driving new fancy cars but life will be comfortable and having a cushion is such a relaxing thought.
I graduated officially on March 16 and walked across that stage in front of my parents, Denise and Sam, and my family. What a feeling that truly was!! I cannot explain how it felt knowing my parents got to see their first child graduate college and knowing that they were seeing my life improve before their eyes. It was also an awesome feeling because I felt like I was walking for everyone that helped me get to that day. My parents helped by allowing me to stay with them for 4 months and gave me their love and support, when roads were slick I stayed with my Aunt Susie. Then there is Denise and Sam, without their help both with Rayden and with finances; we would have never made it. They were a wonderful support and I am forever grateful to them. Tom and Traci lent us financial support as well. Then there is Chris, Dalton, and Rayden. Chris sacrificed a lot personally and his financial future he had already saved up to get us through. He carried the burden of making the bills and I cannot thank him enough. His support during the past two yrs made a huge difference in my graduating. Then there is Dalton who grew up super fast and spent a lot of time caring for his brother while I went to class or while I was doing my homework. His role in my graduating was as much needed and as important than anyone else. I am blessed to have a son like him! Rayden's role was the fact that he dealt with a mommy that may have been less active in his life especially while I was on fieldwork. During the first 18 months of college I worked hard to balance time out for him and to do homework after he was in bed. But I know there were days that he deserved more mommy time than he got:( I did my best and kept our future in mind as I struggled with mommy-inadequacies. I am blessed to have so much love and support from all of the people in my life. I realized how loved I was over these last 2 yrs and that is one lesson worth learning.
Life is going wonderfully, and I am super excited of the journey that is ahead of us. I feel like the year still has many wonderful things to offer me and I am looking forward to see what those may be. I hope this blog finds everyone in great health. I also hope everyone is finding the joy in life and counting your blessings for the joy. Even when you have a bad day, it is still a wonderful life. Best Wishes and God Bless:)