Chris and I have now been together a little over 2 yrs. We have not gotten to this point without hitting some bumps in the road. Or heck, been thrown off the road once or twice. But, with all of that we are here, together raising two wonderful boys.
Let me take you back, to June 24, 2007. The day that will always live in my memory. I woke up that Sunday morning in my apartment where I lived with my sister. Chris and I had our own seperate places. Seeing each other whenever we could. We had just recently gotten through a rough patch and was in the process of resolving it all. When I woke I thought "hmm, I haven't had my period yet,maybe I should take that test." (I had a test because two weeks prior to that I had bought a kit of 2. The first one I took was negative. And I had only taken it because we had a contraceptive mishap a few weeks prior and I was paranoid. )So not thinking much of it, I grab the stick and took the test. And right before my eyes....Two pink lines were staring back at me. I cussed I cried and went numb. I had no idea how to tell Chris, or what he'd think or do. I was scared because Dalton was turning 11. So many things went through my mind. What was funny was once I managed to peel myself of the toilet and pull my pants up, I went into my baby sister's room just a wailing. I showed her the stick. She said" Now calm down,everything is going to be ok. With this baby will bring you everything that you have ever wanted." Only good things will come of this. She said it so calmly, I thought she was crazy but it settled me down some.
What I didn't realize at the time was that she was right. After the shock wore off and telling Chris went well, life fell into place. Chris took the responsibility head on.. It sped things up between us, but I believe we were heading to living together anyways. All Chris was hoping for was a boy. And on Dalton's 11th birthday we found out it was a boy!!! Chris was so happy, it was wonderful! It was an easy pregnancy with all the typical aches and pains. But it was all so worth it to get our sweet baby. And February 28, 2008 we brought Rayden Thomas Rice into the world at 3:01 pm. He weighed 7lbs 8oz 20 inches long. He was a beautiful wonderful gift. And today he turned 6 months old. The time has flown by. It has been an honor and a joy to be his mommy and I thank God for him everyday.
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