2009 was a year that has flown by and definately was a roller coaster ride. The year started out with my sweet baby boy turning 1!! His first year went so fast and brought so much joy into my life. I would have never guessed that becoming a Mommy all over again at my age, would have been the greatest and most blessed gift I could have recieved. He has accomplished so much this year. He started walking right after his birthday. Since then, there is no slowing him down. He now says so many words and sentences, that I can't count them. He is small still, only weighing 22lbs at 22 months old, but he is getting taller.
Dalton has done well this year, making the honor roll everytime, except for one. He has gotten taller, he no stands face-to-face to me.. His voice is now so deep and he has this black fuzz growing over his lip. It makes me sad that my little boy is now, slowly becoming a man. I can't believe that in 4.5 years he will be all grown up... So, seems like I just had him yesterday.
In January I decided to check out colleges, before I knew it I was enrolled and going strong. In 2009, I made the Dean's List twice and hope to continue to do so many more times before I graduate. It was not fun juggling two jobs, classes, home work, and life at home. Yet, the good Lord gave me the strength to make it through.
In June Chris was let go from his job due to the economy being so bad. He remained laid off until getting a job offer just after Thanksgiving. During this time, Chris was able to stay at home while I worked and went to school, which gave Rayden the opportunity to stay at home.
On April 28, I got a call while in class that broke my heart. My sister Priscilla called to tell me that my Papaw was dying and that I needed to get back home. I rushed to pack and get to him, but by the time I got there, he had passed away. I missed him by 30 minutes. Thirty minutes that I so wish I could have back, just to be there to watch him join my Mamaw. I am grateful that Rayden got to meet him, just 3 weeks prior to his death and that I got to kiss, hug him, and tell him that I loved him one last time. We buried Papaw on May 1, 12 hrs later his sister, my Aunt Carolyn, passed away. Our family was devestated by our losses, it was a one two punch. They will both be greatly missed and I hope that there was a big reunion up in heaven for all of those that we have lost over the years.
I began my second job in August, babysitting a cute baby boy. It has been fun and has given me a chance to bring in extra income while working around my school schedule. The lady I babysit for has turned into a good friend and I have enjoyed getting to know her and her family.
Christmas Eve was my last night working at the Cookie Place, giving me more family time and some time to decompress. I can admit now that I had taken on too much and it was starting to take it's toll on me and our family.
This year has been a trying one at times. Our financial situation is way less than optimal and with this can bring pressures. Chris and I have felt the weight of it all over us and at times have fell into rough patches. Thankfully, we have Nana's help. Without her standing by us and helping us make bills we would have without a doubt hit a huge wall.
Chris and I are currently working on our relationship. With life being so hectic we have allowed things to weaken and loose sight of where we are going as a couple. We have agreed to work on things and build on our relationship, in hopes of moving to the next stage. I am happy that we have made this decision and I am very hopeful that things will work out just fine. We have love and with that I think we can accomplish anything. I believe that 2010 will have many gifts to offer us as we grow back together. I am looking forward to the future for my entire family.
Christmas with all of our families was nice. We spent the holidays visiting our loved ones. It is hard to fit it all in, but we got it all done. I was especially happy to go home and spend time with my parents and my sisters, I also got Auntie time in with my sweet nephew Levi. It was truly a Merry Christmas.
To end the year of 2009, Nana and Sam have gotten engaged! They have not set a date and probably won't. I suspect the two adventurers will dash off and elope in some awesome place... Jealous? Yes, yes I am..LOL...
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! It's going to be a great one, I just know it!!!!!
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