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Monday, January 19, 2009

A Dream Come True

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a man that has never been duplicated, and most likely no other man shall ever live up to. God gave this man the courage and insight to see what our Country could truly be. He had a heart that loved everyone no matter what that person looked like or how that person believed. At the time he walked the streets sharing his wisdom, our Country was controlled by hate. People truly thought they were superior to others based on the color of their skin. People believed they had the right to tell someone where to sit or what water fountain they could drink from. And people believed if a black man looked them in the eyes, they were asking to be beat. It's amazing what this Nation once was. It's also heart breaking to know that this Nation was capable of being so ugly. The beauty in this horrible part of our history, is how far we have come. That it's possible for one person to change it all. For one person to Have A Dream, and for us to see that Dream come true. In my 31 years on this Earth, I had been witnessing this Dream evolve from words off the lips of this wonderful man, into a Reality. It's not just about Obama being elected. This country has been slowly changing and improving. Sure there is still racism, and sure there is a tension that still remains for some. But for the most part, it's a better world. Come tomorrow, January 20, 2009, we are all going to witness history. Something our great-great-great grandchildren will be reading about in history books, and not realizing the importance of that day. Take the time to soak it all in, so you can tell the story of how you witnessed a Dream coming true. Even if you didn't vote for Obama, see the beauty in knowing that we have finally become ONE NATION UNDER GOD, instead of just words in our Pledge of Alligeance. And to Mr. King, thank you so much for the gift you gave us. You sacraficed it all so this Nation could thrive and work in unity. God Bless you...

One of the Greatest Men of all time. Without him, this country would have never grown into the world we know now. Rest In Peace Mr. King, and may you be smiling down from heaven on January 20, 2009, a day you made possible.