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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Life Keeps Getting Better

It's been a while since I have taken time to write and update everyone about the life here at the Newland-Rice household. School has taken a huge part out of my life and kept it in what seems like a cage. Keeping me from enjoying my family and the simple pleasures out of our lives. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, as I only have 6 more months of classes before my externship starts. In a mere 12-13 months I will be an employee of the Occupational Therapy Assistant world, and with God's grace I will find a job that will pay enough to bring my family out of it's financial strain. It has been a long road but in the end it will pay off with the success of myself and my family.

As for the relationship between Chris and I, it has evolved into a stronger and better version of itself. We both have had lives that has left us feeling injured and insecure with ourselves and within our relationship. When people have scars from old wounds it can be hard to see past that damage within our own minds. This insecurity keeps people from really sharing themselves and keeps you from truly opening up. We cannot trust when we are always wondering when the other shoe will drop. This among a few other things led us to therapy. Yes, I said therapy. I am not beyond admitting that an unmarried couple is in therapy. We have been together almost 4 years, and know that we want to stay together. Most people do not know how to communicate, this is the greatest downfall in almost all relationships. We fight wrong and always end up hurt without solving anything. Therapy is teaching us how to display our thoughts and feelings and a better way to show our discontent with our partners. And better yet, how to get back on track after the disagreement is over, also known as apologizing. I can honestly say that there has been a great change within our relationship over the last 2 months. It feels like we are falling in love again, but even deeper this time. Therapy has also helped our family. Chris has learned different parenting skills. As a first time parent and taking on( a "step-child") Dalton, who wasn't a baby at the time, Chris has had to learn how to parent properly,especially a half-grown child. It's hard stepping into someone's life and not really understanding the role you are to play in their life. There has been a great improvement in how they interact and I feel our family is growing closer everyday. It is amazing to think that learning a few communication skills and a few tricks can change how your daily life functions. I think that all families can benefit from counseling, if they shop around a find a legit therapist. I know that it has given me the skills to live life with a renewed faith and brings a lot of joy into our world. We will continue to see the therapist over the next few months, before dropping down to on a need -to -basis and continue to reap the rewards of our work. Life in the Newland-Rice household is constantly getting better and I am beyond opitimistic that it will continue to get better and better. I am in love with my man, my boys, and my life. We are so blessed to be living this life and I am so grateful for the journey I have traveled, without it; the road would have never led me here. LIFE IS GOOD!!! Good luck and God Bless.